

Friday 15 November 2013

Shoot List

I have booked out a Tascam for this weekend as I will be returning to the shoot in order to get footage of the landscapes of the shoot's terrain, and people shooting. I will be using my Canon 600D to film, and will be taking two tripods - one for the camera and one for the Tascam. I also have headphones and a windsock for the Tascam, and will be taking my three lenses and memory cards in my camera backpack.

I will also include in this list things to film around the house.

Shoot List 

  • Landscapes - woodland, moorland - long audio recording
  • People shooting - dad, closeup on parts of gun - long audio recording
  • Pheasants - on the game truck, falling out of the air, being collected
  • Meat as food - in the fridge, meals
  • Charlie - sleeping, playing with, eating, etc

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