

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Edited narrative audio

Here is an edited version of the transcript of my audio recording. I have edited out unnecessary parts where I ramble or bits that I don't like to streamline the piece. These edits are relatively easy to do in Premiere Pro.

Simply put, I’m a vegetarian because I love animals. And I that if you love animals a lot then you would want to make a change to your life. Some people go their whole lives without looking at footage of what happens inside slaughterhouses, and for them its good to remain blissfully ignorant, and maybe it is, but I couldn't carry on living my life the way I was after watching videos like that, and for me to think it was okay for me to carry on eating meat, not when I’d seen the suffering that I’d saw in those videos.

And when I became vegetarian, I started to look at other aspects of my lifestyle and to challenge them, and to try and change them and try to make them as cruelty free as I was making my diet.

I stopped wearing leather and suede because I didn't like the idea of wearing someone else’s skin I suppose. Um, and I’ve never wore exotic skins, reptile skins or fur, and after seeing footage of animals being skinned alive and snakes having their scales pulled off while being decapitated with their hearts still beating, I never would, if my lifestyle were to ever change.

I haven't been to a zoo in years, because as much as I loved them when I was a child, I didn't realise at the time how cruel they were. And when I was 7 and I went to Seaworld I didn’t realise how cruel that was either.

After seeing pictures of animals being subjected to horrible tests in laboratories, I decided to change my daily regimen, of make-up, and I don't know, my routine, and to incorporate as many cruelty free products as I can, into my life. And I never buy from companies that I know test on animals or I know get other companies to test on animals for them.

My dad participates in a pheasant shoot which has caused a lot of um, tension between us and its been um, it used to be quite a bit of a struggle when he first started doing it, and I was really gung-ho animal rights and we;d have arguments about it, and now it seems that we've kind of put aside our differences and we understand each others kind of moral beliefs I suppose. Um, we kind of understand that, he respects that I'm a vegetarian and I don't agree with it, and I respect to him, that he loves getting, providing his own meat, and he always has, ever since he was a kid, that was when he first started getting into rabbiting and fishing and shooting, and I understand its been ingrained in him for a long time, and I respect that and he respects my beliefs too.

But I cant sit by and live a life where I directly affect animals in a negative way, where I contribute to industries that damage animals, that don’t care about animals and that use them as commodities, basically. As I just think, if you loved animals as much as you think that you d, and that you say that you do, you'd do everything that you possibly could to make your life cruelty free for their benefit.   

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