

Thursday 31 October 2013

Transcript highlights

Here is my audio transcription with highlighted areas that pertain to what I would like to focus on out of the transcript in closer detail.

  • I like all of his narrative, but it's too long, and therefore I would have too much extra footage to shoot in too short a time frame 
  • I highlighted recent events - why? More relevant? Includes poaching as it's almost a climax in the narrative? - all locations where I could film are local

  • "love nature, patrolling the countryside" - fields, woods, close up details (berries, leaves, animals?, etc) - tripod, maybe some shoulder rig?
  • "poaching on Mendips, keeps you fit" - shoulder rig and tripod, dad walking on Mendips
  • "caught poaching" - location where he was caught - dad included in the frame?
  • "kept an interest" - books, magazines, antlers around the house, in situ
  • Monty - show photos or footage?
  • "invited to The Warren" - footage of him shooting, the atmosphere of the shoot (camaraderie, other participants, dogs, pheasants in game 4x4), the locations of the shoot (mix of moorland and woods)
  • Charlie - footage - at home, on walks, dad interacting with him - tripod and shoulder rig?

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