

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


My storyboard can be found here.

I paired my audio with imagery that alluded to or directly confronted the subject matter of the audio clip.

I opened with a shot of trees reaching towards the sky as I felt it was a good establishing shot, especially as it included nature. The atmos audio was recorded for a previous project, but I placed it with this as it is a natural occurrence - birds do sing in the woods.

The shots of the cookbook and vegetarian food with the audio about making a change to your life represents the changes I made to my life by going vegetarian.

The following images of animals in slaughterhouses directly relates to the audio. I chose no atmos for this, as I felt the power of the imagery needed to speak for themselves. Also, the accompanying audio from the video clips were not acceptable to me: there was either talking, or the atmos wasn't very good quality.

The next part of my narrative features a black screen and no atmos, as it signifies the other changes I went through to make my life more cruelty-free.

I started the next load of clips with a shot of cows running into a field, as I felt there had already been a lot of cruelty so far, and wanted to show the animals affected by leather to be happy (even though the cows featured are British dairy cows, where leather does not come from - the signifier is cows and the signified is leather). I paired this with audio of cows from a royalty free website. The following images of fur and exotic skin production does not have any atmos, as again, I wanted the graphic nature of these clips to speak for themselves.

The imagery accompanying the audio about zoos also does not have any atmos for this reason, and the visuals relate directly to the narrative audio.

Again, no atmos was used in the clips of animals being tested upon, to let the imagery speak. I included a situation shot of my Lush products, as Lush is a cruelty-free company, and royalty-free atmos of a shower accompanies this.

To preface the section about my dad shooting, there is a clip from a pheasant shoot where he successfully shot a pheasant. The audio that accompanies this is the Tascam recording from that moment. A series of location shots from the shoot, shooting paraphernalia from around my house, and footage of dad shooting accompanies my narrative audio, as it is all part of the shooting lifestyle. The atmos in these clips are a mix of birds chirping and the audio that matches the clip where dad shoots, in order to get the sound of the gunshots. I didn't use the atmos from that scene for the whole segment, as it featured dad talking to me, which I thought would not be appropriate.

The last segment does not contain atmos, as I didn't know what would be best to accompany a woodland scene, my bedroom wall, and myself playing with a puppy. I also think it is best to not have atmos, as my narrative audio is concluding the film, and I don't want anything to be a distraction to it. It might be annoying to see me speaking in the imagery and not being able to hear what I'm saying, but the in-camera microphone picked up people talking near me (and I was probably baby-talking to the puppy) which is not appropriate. I felt that the last shot should be of me, as it is a film about my choices to be kinder to animals through my lifestyle choices. That particular clip was filmed over a year ago, which is why I look differently than I do now.

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