

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Second shoot

Based upon my previous shot list/storyboard, I began to capture some of the shots required for my film. I hired out a D600 and a Tascam to shoot and record audio. Many I shot repeatedly from different angles to have a selection to choose from when editing later on. Much of the content was still in the frame, so I will only include screenshots to illustrate them.

I also shot some footage of dad cooking meat, which I filmed and recorded with a Tascam. Sections of the footage will be included in GIF file format.

The crop could have been closer in this shot to just include his hands, the knife, and the meat, but I also like that it includes his upper body too, so that it is not an anonymous figure cutting the meat.

I used a closer crop to shoot dad placing the meat in the frying pan and cooking it, in order to draw attention to the pieces of meat. 

I then used an even closer crop to shoot dad adding the mushrooms and the cream for more detail.

I then completed the sequence by shooting the close zoom image of dad dishing up the meat with the accompanying food (rice and vegetables).

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