

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Narrative audio draft

I am going to write out a draft narrative audio just in case I become stumped when I record a free-flowing audio. I will use my narrative audio notes as a guide.
I have always loved animals, and they have always been the best friends that I've had. They don't judge you, they don't fall out with you, they're always there for you. I always feel more comfortable around them, and I'm at my happiest when I'm around them.

I guess it made sense that I would eventually start cutting meat out from my diet. When I was about 11 years old, I stopped eating beef, because cows were my favourite animal at that time. I later cut out lamb and pork, because I didn't like the taste, and for many years the only meat I consumed was poultry, seafood, and fish.

I watched PeTA's "Meat Your Meat" video and I cut meat out of my diet for good. The images of the animals being beaten and their gruesome deaths made me cry, and I knew from then on I wouldn't eat meat anymore.

I was pescaterian from August 2007 until 2010, when I went full vegetarian as a New Year's resolution. I haven't looked back, and on the odd occasion where I do fancy eating meat, I just think of the meat as an individual and that sets me straight.

After I gave up meat I turned to other aspects of my lifestyle and set about making it as cruelty-free as I could. I no longer buy leather or suede products. I use as many cruelty-free cosmetics and other beauty products as I can. I no longer go to zoos or aquariums, as I believe if you really love animals you'd understand how bad captivity is for them. And since orca are my favourite animal, I've learnt a lot about how badly orca are treated in captivity. I went to Seaworld when I was seven, and I would never go again, especially since I went whale watching in Boston and saw humpback whales. That was one of the best days of my life, and there's nothing better than seeing animals in the wild, the way nature intended.

My personal beliefs regarding animals also affect my politics, and for a brief period they affected my relationship with my dad. He participates in a pheasant shoot, and that covers a large amount of his lifestyle. Initially, it caused some friction, as I don't agree with the killing of animals for fun. I know there is nothing I can do to change his mind, as he was brought up hunting. He thinks the pheasants are beautiful, but I don't understand the nature of killing something you think is beautiful.

I just think that if you love animals as much as you think you do, you'd do everything in your power to better their lives. They are dying for us: to feed us, to entertain us. It's time to give something back.

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